Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daniel P

Top gear is a great show. You should watch it yall. Daniels blog is heaps funny and so great and random. You should all go too it everyone you will love it heaps .


In the easter hoildays the Scc has versues a rival clan called the P0lice. The challenge was who was better. This involved are Ps3 players and are Xbox 360 players. The games they played on the xbox 360 were halo 3,halo wars, Gears of war 2 and Call of Duty 5. On Ps3 they played on resistance 2 and killstorm.
It was a brillent virtory for the xbox 360 players looseing only 1 match out of 20. It was a close game on Halo 3. But then a sudden black out in cranebrook left only 3 players agenst 8.
In Ps3 it was clear win with only 8 games played and very close games but the ps3 players had the best player of the the clan with them which taken then too clear victory. From this Scc has been noticed by over clans.

tardive dyskinesia