Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OMG have you seen that blog c&cfreak

OMG have you seen that blog its a really good blog about command and conqouer. Its a really great blog he talks about everything in the blog its so so awsome. Here is the link to it

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The important people in charge

The most important people in scc
Their names will be their gamer tags
1.Hawkhunter8 (ps3) : Boss who own's the scc website
2. Mitch Rhys (xbox360) : Boss who runs the website and is the overlord
3. Zafod beedlebro (xbox 360 and ps3) : The main guy who run's compations aswell as socal events and boss of 360 and ps3. Also boss of halo 3
4.Thor76 (xbox 360): Boss of all are work in the U.S.A and Canda
5. Hothead (ps3): Boss of ps3 and runs events on ps3. boss of Resistance 2
6.Luke0ner(xbox 360): Boss of 360 and runs events for 360. Boss of all cods.

Monday, March 9, 2009

About the clan

The Scc is a clan made up of gamers from xbox 360 to ps3. They are all mates and live all in the same suberb. The Scc has over 150 members from 3 different school's and is still growing!
Their are social events, partys and all sorts of stuff. The Clan was made up in 2007 by a guy named Adan and Mitchell. But the people who started to make the clan big was David and Daniel who know heaps of people who played. From then on the clan has grown and went too some people who were from the U.S.A and Canada. They came to one of the social events and then on the clan has spread. From then on new members from the area of "Cranebrook" have made the clan bigger and is where Scc was born and made. Also it is the HQ of scc.

tardive dyskinesia